Research Senior Technician at the Ohio State University

Credits: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI

About Me

I am a recent graduate of the Ohio State University with a degree in Astronomy & Astrophysics with Honors Research Distinction, as well as a minor in Forensic Sciences. During my undergraduate career, I worked within the fields of star formation and exoplanets through projects with the University of Florida and The Ohio State University. I have continued my research career as an ASAS-SN Data Analyst at OSU and continue to conduct research in exoplanet atmospheres and stellar variability. Beyond research, I fuel my passion for astronomy by doing outreach work with Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) and the Polaris Mentorship Program. 


Outside of academia, you’ll find me doing work in live sports video production as the technical director for the Columbus Crew and freelancing as a camera operator. Other than my production work, I spend the rest of my free time playing bass guitar for Funky Ducklings.

Learn more about my work here!