

(All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae)

I currently work with Dr. Chris Kochanek and Dr. Krzysztof Stanek to perform daily quality control of data obtained by 20 ASAS-SN telescopes to visually inspect images for quality control, verify supernova and other transient candidates by inspecting the images obtained from that position the sky and release of confirmed ASAS-SN discoveries to the public.

Long Term Variability

I currently also work with Dr. Chris Kochanek to explore long term variability by utilizing 10 years of photometry data from ASAS-SN.

Exoplanet Atmospheres

From 2022-2023, I worked with Dr. Marshall Johnson at the Ohio State University to explore the atmospheric chemistry of ultra hot Jupiter, KELT-20b. Using emission spectroscopy from the PEPSI spectrograph of the Large Binocular Telescope and atmospheric modeling, were able to assess the detectability of 68 different atomic and molecular species as well confirm or dispute previous detections of species made in literature.

Young Stellar Objects

In the summer of 2021, I worked with Dr. Adam Ginsburg at the University of Florida to constrain properties of young stellar objects (YSOs). Using data from VVV/VIRAC, UKIDSS, MIPSGAL, IRAC, Herschel, and ALMA, as well as spectral energy distributions, we were able to make constraints on a variety of stellar properties in multiple different galactic regions.